100% Satisfaction Guarantee
We guarantee that your parts will be made to your exact specs, every time.
Dedicated After Sales Support
We’re still here when the job is done. We stand firmly behind our product and are here to help you with any post-production needs.
Best in Class Equipment & Production
We use the the most cutting edge equipment and source the highest quality materials available in the US.
Services We Provide
Let us introduce ourselves
A few words about XGen
XGen was founded by James Evans, fabrication expert and proud American. His team comprises of over a dozen additional experts in their respective fields with a combined 100+ years experience.
Let’s get to the point
Our process is simple
We aim for convenience and simplicity. We will meet with you, thoroughly document your needs and then quickly build your parts to your exact specifications.
Size of facility
Experts on site
Years of combined experience
Machine hours logged
Professional, Precise and Private
Our commitment to you
Discretion: Your project will remain private and confidential.
Speed: Time is money so we will work as swiftly as possible to complete the task.
Quality: Craftsmanship is guaranteed and materials will be the best on the US market.
Book your confidential, no obligation appointment.
ISO 9001:2015
Career Opportunities
Join our growing team of qualified professionals.